Fresh Oregano: Benefits, Extraction, How to Dry?

History of oregano

“Joy of the mountains” is the meaning of name of oregano in Greek. Oregano was originally grown in Greece, and it was first used by the Greeks. The Roman’s next adopted oregano because they enjoyed the taste and the easy was to cultivate.

In the Middle Ages oregano was commonly used for medicinal purposes. People would chew the oregano leaves as a cure for many ailments such as rheumatism, toothache, indigestion, and coughing.

Oregano has been used in the treatment of several ailments such as diarrhea, stomach upset and nausea. Oregano also has some anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties so you will see it used in the treatment of arthritis, muscle and joint pain and soreness.

How to dry oregano at home

Oregano is a genus of the mint family (Lamiaceae). Oregano is a perennial plant that has the characteristics of an herb, green and leaflike, with round shaped leaves. Drying oregano leaves can help improve its shelf life to keep it for year round use, as well as save storage space.


Essential oil within oregano changes with its growth conditions including soil, weather and years of growth. The oil yield ranges from 1.3 to 3.2%. The essential compounds take key roles of its special function together with its smell and flavor.

Proper drying becomes important to reduce herb mass and volume as well as locks these precious volatile components within the dried herbs. Low temperature is the key factor during the drying process. Natural drying can be the most feasible way for small scale herb process such as at home.

First question is when to cut? With growing, essential compounds are generated and concentrated with the herbs. For oregano, leaves have more essential compounds than its stems and flowers. The right time to cut oregano is before it starts blossom. When oregano flowers come out, energy and compounds will be consumed.  This caused the tastes of leaves getting milder.  

How to cut? Cut the stems out at the place 3 to 4 inches above ground so the rest can grow back fast for your next harvest.


Now we go into the drying session. There are two ways you can do at home to dry oregano. For both ways, keep leaves on stems during drying. This can make it easier to handle.

Method 1: In sunny days, lay oregano on a perforated surface. Ventilation is important to keep the herbs healthy during drying. Because of its own moisture content or condensation during the day-night cycle, water can accumulate on the leaves or stems during drying. The moisture will encourage growth of mold or bacteria. Good ventilation will bring oxygen to the spot underneath so as to prevent the bad stuffs grow.


Method 2: Make a bundle and hang it up in air. Take around 10 stems and tie them up at the end (the cut place). Use cotton wire so it won’t give unwelcomed fiber or smell into the herbs. Hang the bundle on a line so it freely surrounded by air.


Both of the methods 1 and 2 take time because of its low temperature. You may expect 2 weeks for a good drying. Is there any factor to decide if drying is done? Yes! Mass is it. You may look forward to losing half of the mass after drying or even more. 50% is the minimal amount indicating ending of drying. Moisture content within oregano is about 60%. More loss of weight means better drying.

How to use oregano

Besides its special flavor, oregano has been used as medicinal herbs which bring health benefits. Within oregano essential oil, carvacrol is the main compound which can takes more than 60% in the oil. Carvocrol brings the smoke taste to oregano.

Laboratory experiments proved that carvacrol is a wonderful antioxidant.  Antioxidants can help protect us from disease or damage produced by free radicals. Antioxidants are used in cosmetics for anti-aging effect. Carvacrol also have good function of inflammation and pain relief, antimicrobial, digestion system protection, cold and flu relief, and anticancer.

Carvacrol has good solubility in water. Within 100ml of water, it can dissolve 125mg. This makes functional hydrosol.

Making oregano hydrosol from fresh oregano with LT3000 distiller

Step 1: Cut rinsed oregano into small pieces. Smaller pieces can help better extraction.


Step 2: Put chopped oregano into column


Step 3: Set up the distiller for distillation


Step 4: Collect distillate from condenser

Now, you have your own the most fresh and 100% natural hydrosol. Use it as facial spray or put into drink to add new flavor.


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