Making 100% Organic Ginger Hydrosol – LeTime

Ginger has long history of use with more  than 3000 years as spice and medicine. I bet you know ginger is one of the most popular spice in the kitchen. Ginger chicken is one my favorite dish. Boiled ginger coke is a blended drink which I definitely like while get cold. Ginger ale is special due to its introduction of the fingerprint ginger aroma. Not only in food and drinks, ginger but also is used in medicine.  Mixture of ginger and a sweetener made from palm tree juice was used din Burma as a prevention from flu. Ginger was used in Japan to help the circulation of blood. Historically, ginger has been used as far back as the fourth century BC for stomach aches, nausea, and diarrhea.

Uniqueness of ginger comes from its special compound: gingerol. Gingerols are believed to be the more pharmacologically active constituents of ginger. Modern medical study showed that ginger can simultaneously improve gastric motility and exert antispasmodic effects. Studies have shown that ginger’s antispasmodic effects on visceral smooth muscle are likely attributable to antagonism of serotonin receptor sites. A double-blind, randomized crossover study reported a significant reduction in nausea and vomiting with the use of ginger in women with hyperemesis gravidarum. Due to its safety profile, ginger is regularly used in pregnancy with no untoward fetal effects.

Ginger hydrosol is produced during steam distillation the same process to make essential oil. When steam passed through ginger, it extracts essential components out thanks to the high energy and small molecules of steam and carries them into distillate after condensation.

LeTime distillaer has 3 parts: kettle, steamer and condenser. Very straightforward! Kettle is the steam source which can be put on top of stove. With the pipe, steam is guided into steamer where plant is held. After coming out of the steamer, steam will go though cooling coil. With help of the cold ice cubes, it is condensed into liquid, called distillate.

There are only 3 steps to start steam distillation.

1, Add filtered water, de-chlorinated water into kettle and put on stove;

2, Wash, cut ginger into small pieces and put into steamer to the bottom line;

3, Push stopper into kettle spout and connect with condenser.

Then, turn on heat and wait till boiling. Add ice cubes into condenser then collect the aroma distillate. With our 500mL steamer, it can run 25 minutes then collect about 16oz of high quality concentrated hydrosol.

Now just relax and enjoy the best in world hydrosol in terms of purity and freshness.


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