Extract Thyme By Steam Distillation, Benefits of Thyme Extract

Thyme has its Latin name, Thymus vulgaris. Vulgaris means common, so it is also called common thyme. Thyme works as an ingredient in cooking and as an herbal medicine. It is slightly spicier than oregano and sweeter than sage.

1, Benefits of Thyme

Thymol known as 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol, is a natural mono-terpenoid phenol. It is found in thyme essential oil and hydrosol. Thymol is a white crystalline substance that has a pleasant aromatic odor. Thymol also provides the distinctive and robust flavor of the culinary herb thyme.

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The essential oil is used in the food industry for their flavoring and preservative properties, in commercial mosquito repellent formulations for their natural repellent effect, in aromatherapy, and in traditional medicine for the treatment of headaches, coughs, and diarrhea.  

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Many different activities of thymol such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, local anaesthetic, antinociceptive, cicatrizing, antiseptic, and especially antibacterial and antifungal properties have been shown.

Recently, USEPA approved Thymol as active agent to disinfect COVID Coronavirus and it can kill the virus within 1 minute thanks to its strong antiviral behavior.

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Thymol is also used in mouth wash to keep hygiene.

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2, Steam Distillation of Thyme

Step 1, Add dry thyme into column


Step 2, Twist the column on the pot filled with water


Step 3, Connect distillation unit with condenser with tubing


Step 4, Turn on heat and collect distillate



Within thyme hydrosol, the main chemicals include thymol and carvacrol.

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3, Uses of Thyme Hydrosol

31. Facial spray

3.2 Mouth wash

3.3 Natural pesticide

3.4 House cleaning

Watch this video to know more……


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