Making Coffee Hydrosol by Hydro Distillation using LT3000 and The Benefits

Hey, when you walked into a coffee shop and smelled that coffee aroma, does that make you happier? If so, the science found explanation for this.

I, Benefits of Coffee Aroma

There was a study using coffee aroma during dental surgery and they found out the chemical level got decreased by 40% which measures the stress. This is not only for the group who like coffee or are regular coffee drinker, but also the same for those who dont drink or dislike coffee. It is very interesting.

COffee aroma dental patients stress.JPG

Another study used rat and discovered that the coffee aroma changes the mRNA and protein expression levels of the rat brain and proved the potential antioxidant or stress relaxation activities of the coffee bean aroma.  

Coffee aroma gene change on rat.JPG

During another research, they split 114 students into two groups to answer maths questions from the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).

One group was exposed to a coffee smell during the test, and ended up with "significantly higher" scores. A follow-up survey found that a coffee scent was associated with being more alert and energetic, compared with other scents such as flowers, or with no scent at all. So, if you are going to take a test you may want to try having coffee aroma with you during it.


II, Coffee Aroma vs. Flavor

There are over 1,000 of chemicals within a single piece of roasted coffee bean. We can separate them into two groups, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and non-volatile organic compounds (non-VOCs). When brewing coffee, some of VOCs can become vaporized and dispersed into air. Those molecules such as aldehydes have the smell which makes the aroma. The non-VOCs will stay in the coffee so brings us the flavor such as caffeine.

Arabica and Robusta coffee beans are the two common types.


Arabica coffee beans contain more essential oil and less caffeine compared with Robusta beans. Therefore, in order to make strong coffee hydrosol Arabica beans are preferred.

                   Arabica vs. Robusta

Essential Oil: 16%    vs.    11%

Caffeine:   0.8 – 1.4%      1.7 – 4%


III, Step-by-step of Making Coffee Hydrosol by Hydro Distillation with LT3000

Step 1, Measure 100 gram of grinded medium roasted coffee powder. Recommend using freshly grinded powder.


Step 2, Add measured coffee powder into 1.5 liter of filtered water in pot.


Step 3, Set up the LT3000 for distillation. You may need a lift jack stand, circulation pump and connection tubing.


Step 4, Turn on heat and circulation system and then prepare for collecting coffee hydrosol.


Watch this video to know more details.


Extract Thyme By Steam Distillation, Benefits of Thyme Extract


What is Hydrosol?